
A simple multi-store solution for handling react state management for larger apps.

A store that get created when the component mounts and destroyed when the component un-mounts.

Intstall using npm

npm install react-state-provider --save

For Usage see the example below

code sample

Here is the Medium blog post:

When to use:

lets say you have react dom tree like this

  <Component-B />
  <Component-C />
    <Component-E />

Now “Component-B” has a button that sets a name and you want to display that name in “Component-E”.

One way to solve it by having shared state in Component-A and pass a callback method to Component-B. Then Component-B will call the callback with name that set a updated value of name in Component-A’s state;

But this will be tough when we have deep nesting component that want to share a state with some other component via props.

To solve this in a easy way you can use this util.